Anything is possible.

I am worthy of success.

I always make the right decision.

I can achieve anything I set my mind to.

I am confident in my abilities.

No matter the challenge, I can do it.

I can do anything.

I am open and ready to learn.

I am a respected leader.

I manage my time and energy with intention.

I confidently ask for what I deserve. I know my contributions are valuable.

I am an asset.

I release any doubts about my worth and fully embracing the value I bring to my work.

  • How to use affirmations:

    1. Pick an affirmation (an “I am..” phrase) that relates to a belief or behaviour you’d like to change.

    2. Repeat this affirmation in your mind, or out loud, every morning 10 times.

    3. Try repeating these to yourself while on a walk, or while making dinner to get in the rhythm of talking to yourself and affirming these new beliefs.

    Once you’ve started this habit, you can take it even further:

    • Repeat the affirmation to yourself whenever you remember throughout the day.

    • Focus on the feeling the affirmation produces in your body. Imagine with your whole being that the affirmation is true. Repeat to yourself and enjoy the positive emotion the affirmation evokes within your mind and body.

    • Repeat whenever you like!




Imposter Syndrome