Train your mind
Everything you need to know to start changing the narrative of your inner thoughts, and start to rewire your mind.
Affirmations are short, positive statements that help us challenge and reshape unhelpful or limiting thoughts. At their core, they’re simple declarations of the beliefs and outcomes we want to see in our lives. Think of affirmations as little mental “reprogramming” tools—they redirect our focus away from negative patterns and guide our thoughts toward what we truly want.
When we say affirmations regularly, especially out loud, we’re helping our minds get comfortable with these new ideas.
The goal isn’t just to “fake it” but to gradually shift our self-image and belief systems in a way that feels more empowering and aligned with our goals.
In practice, affirmations might sound like:
“I am capable and confident in everything I do.”
“I trust myself to make the right decisions.”
“I am open to new possibilities and opportunities.”
Over time, these statements start to feel more natural, encouraging us to take actions that support them. Affirmations can be a simple but powerful way to shift our mindset and remind ourselves of our own potential.
Our brains are wired to keep us safe, which means they love routines and familiar patterns—even if those patterns don’t serve us.
The trick is learning to notice these automatic thoughts and consciously choose new ones that support the life you want to live. As Gandhi said, “Your beliefs become your thoughts, your thoughts become your words, your words become your actions… and ultimately, your destiny.”
By working with affirmations and choosing better beliefs, you start to write a new story for yourself.
When we repeat positive statements, especially those that challenge limiting beliefs, we’re actively engaging a part of the brain called the reticular activating system (RAS). The RAS acts like a filter, scanning our environment and helping us focus on what aligns with our goals and beliefs. By using affirmations, we’re essentially training our RAS to notice opportunities, strengths, and positive patterns, all of which support the new self-image we’re creating.
Research also shows that affirmations can alter neural pathways. The brain has a quality called neuroplasticity, which is its ability to rewire itself based on repeated thoughts and experiences. When we use affirmations consistently, the brain begins to form new connections that reinforce these positive beliefs. Over time, these new pathways become stronger, effectively “rewiring” our mind to adopt more empowering and productive thought patterns.
Absolutely! Here’s how.
Sit quietly with yourself and think deeply on these statements..
“I can’t have what I want because________”
“I’ll never achieve _____ because ______”
"I avoid ___ because ___”
"I am afraid of ___ because ___”
"I always fail at ___ because ___”
"I don’t deserve ___ because ___”
Whatever came from you to fill in the “because ____” statement, is your limiting belief.
This limiting belief is what we turn into a positive affirmation, by flipping the limiting belief into a positive statement.
Essentially your affirmation is the direct opposite of your limiting belief.
Example: “I always fail at my fitness goals because I give up.”
Affirmation: “I am consistent and disciplined,” or “I am making progress everyday towards my goals.”
Example: ‘I am afraid of succeeding, because my friends might think differently of me.”
Affirmation: "I am confident in my success, and I attract people who uplift and encourage me.”
How to get started with affirmations:
Pick an affirmation (an “I am..” phrase) that relates to a belief or behaviour you’d like to change.
Repeat this affirmation in your mind, or out loud, every morning 10 times.
Once you’ve started this habit, you can take it even further:
Repeat the affirmation to yourself whenever you remember throughout the day.
Focus on the feeling the affirmation produces in your body. Imagine with your whole being that the affirmation is true. Repeat to yourself and enjoy the positive emotion the affirmation evokes within your mind and body.
Repeat whenever you like!